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Three, Two, One…Blast Off!

As the days got closer to Jack’s two year remission, I couldn’t get the DMB lyric, “celebrate we will because life is short but sweet for certain,” out of my head. If there’s anything I’ve learned since Jack was born, it’s that life is so incredibly short...fleeting in fact. But as crazy as life can be, there are so many things that help make it wonderful and we will be celebrating that with many of the people who we love this weekend. So many people will not understand this celebration. They’ll think that we’re celebrating Jack’s birthday… or more likely, some will see the pictures from the party we’re throwing and sourly say, “OMG are they still talking about cancer!?”...or my favorite, “but he’s fine now.” The fact is, Jack is in remission but it’s not over. He’s still three more years away from actually being considered “cured” of cancer. That’s why we still rock our JACKATTACK bracelets - waiting for that fateful day when it’s really over and we can ceremoniously take them off. It

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